This annoys me!

This annoys me!

01 January


I need to get something off my chest, but this annoys me.

Picture the following situation

Suppose you work at an office and your manager has approached you for a new position. He thinks you are ready for a new step in your career. He asks if you want to manage the secretariat. After all, you have been working in that department the longest. You know that department and the work inside out.

There will be some courses on the intranet and you're done!

You may have felt flattered when he approached you for that position.
But here it comes.
You get a chair and a desk. There are some courses on the intranet on how to do a performance review and an annual appraisal interview, and finished. You are an executive assistant who manages a secretariat. I know I'm a bit blunt, but I hope you get the point

But then you're not there yet

What is ignored is that you are not there yet.

  1. How do you deal with team members, who used to be your close colleagues, when they make a huge mistake? As a manager, you are also held responsible.

  2. How do you deal with someone who was your equal a month ago (in hierarchy), who is late for work not once, not twice, but 3 times. Do you have to say for the 4th time “we start at 8.30 am”?

  3. How do you deal with the workload? In addition to your own work, you also have to manage a team. It seems like everyone thinks that is easy. Well it’s not. Everyone wants to go on vacation at the same time. What a hassle. Getting all those schedules right.

Of course you want to show that you are worthy of the position. But it's just hard when you run into things like this. And that you cannot find on intranet. It feels a bit like being left to your own devices

In addition to loss of face, loss of salary and the chance of future promotions

And so there are plenty of executive assistants who want to quit. Who want to be put back in their old position. If that happens to you, in addition to losing face, you may have a loss of salary and lost the chance of future promotions. And it's so unnecessary. In the coaching I provide, I can fill this gap

What matters to me: I resent managers that put someone in a chair, assign a position to it, and then let go of everything from that moment on.

If you agree with me, say 'amen' under this post


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